NPE2024 中国塑料展--元海
On May 6-10 in Orlando, Florida, American. Yuanhai participated in the NPE2024 The Plastic Show. This is the first time we have participated in the
On May 6-10 in Orlando, Florida, American. Yuanhai participated in the NPE2024 The Plastic Show. This is the first time we have participated in the
IBC tote 是一种以高密度聚乙烯树脂为原料,采用大型中空成型机,并以其良好的注塑工艺成型的商品,商品具有优良的
中型散货箱坚固耐用。通常可以使用长达 20 年。但是,如果使用不当,中型散货箱可能会出现以下问题
我们必须注意以下七项功能。原材料质量 对于生产商来说,要想生产出质量上乘的 IBC 周转箱,就必须保证原材料的质量。